Vue Utils


The queryCollectionNavigation composable generates the navigation tree of given collection.


function queryCollectionNavigation<T extends keyof PageCollections>(collection: T, fields?: Array<keyof PageCollections[T]>): Promise<ContentNavigationItem[]>


Use the auto-imported queryCollectionNavigation to generate a navigation tree for a specific collection. This is particularly useful for creating dynamic navigation menus or sidebars based on your content structure.

<script setup lang="ts">
const { data } = await useAsyncData('navigation', () => {
  return queryCollectionNavigation('docs')


queryCollectionNavigation(collection: CollectionName, extraField: keyof Collection)

Generate a navigation tree for the specified collection.

  • Parameters:
    • collection: The key of the defined collection in content.config.ts.
    • extraFields: (Optional) An array of additional fields to include in the navigation items. (By default title and path are included in the navigation items.)
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves to a navigation tree structure.

The navigation tree is generated based on the directory structure and ordering happens based on files ordering