The Everest.
The Everest is the highest mountain in the world, standing at 8,848 meters above sea level.
title: The Mountains Website
description: A website about the most iconic mountains in the world.
image: /images/everest.png
The Everest.
The Everest is the highest mountain in the world, standing at 8,848 meters above sea level.
<script setup lang="ts">
defineProps<{ image: string }>()
<section class="flex flex-col sm:flex-row sm:items-center flex-col-reverse gap-4 py-8 sm:gap-12 sm:py-12">
<h1 class="text-4xl font-semibold">
<slot name="title" />
<div class="text-base text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300">
<slot name="description" />
<img :src="image" class="w-1/2 rounded-lg">
<script setup lang="ts">
const { data: posts } = await useAsyncData('blog', () => {
return queryCollection('blog').all()
<li v-for="post in posts" :key="">
<NuxtLink :to="post.path">{{ post.title }}</NuxtLink>
import { defineCollection, z } from '@nuxt/content'
export const collections = {
blog: defineCollection({
source: 'blog/*.md',
type: 'page',
// Define custom schema for docs collection
schema: z.object({
tags: z.array(z.string()),
image: z.string(),
date: z.Date()